Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Adventure Begins...

Who I am

Hi, my name is Corrina, I'm an INFP and a college student. I've noticed lately...or really constantly that no one, especially not I, has been able to label me as any type of person. Type of person as in "girly girl" "Sporty" "Geeky" etc. I have been able to identify with a lot of different personality types but I cannot fully identify with anything.

Not that there's anything really wrong with that, I like that aspect of myself, but I was thinking that would make it easy for me to mimic others' more defined personalities.

The Plan

Every month I will try to become a different type of person

I will be the extreme end of these types:
  1. Extrovert
  2. Introvert
  3. Inconsiderate
  4. Polite
  5. Girly
  6. Manly
  7. Athletic
  8. Disabled
  9. Attention Whore
  10. Doormat
  11. Brainiac
  12. Stupid
  13. Religious
  14. Gay
  15. Hardcore
  16. Trekkie
  17. Twilight Fan
  18. More to come...
Now I just want to clarify that I am not becoming a parody or a stereotype, I will be embracing these lifestyles as if they were my own. I will be finding the good and bad in every type of person. This project should be a lesson to not only me, but everyone who reads/watches it that being open minded is key to being a good person and that some lifestyles are not what they seem.

Before I decide to become this person:
  1. I will research what the extremes of these personalities do and how they act.This will be done through surveying and talking to people who fit characteristics of the chosen personality
  2. I'll compile a list of criteria I must meet for the month
  3. If inventory is required, I will go shopping for it
  4. I will take pictures/video of who I was before the transformation began
While I undergo this month long process, I will be writing in a journal every night recording my revelations, physical, and psychological changes I felt during that day.

I plan on not only adopting habits but mannerisms and at least emulating personal beliefs

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