Friday, April 9, 2010

Its Official: New Age!!

Ok guys, I know it's been a big wait, and I'm sorry! I had to take a break for finals and since I'm getting credits for this this quarter I waited for the quarter to start. Don't worry, I'll be creating a list of "makeover"'s for the months to come so the inner struggle won't be so lengthy.

Anyway, I wanted to do something with minimal costs or interferences with my relationship with my boyfriend. I realized that since my mom knows a lot about the New Age movement I wouldn't have to do too much time consuming research and also the costs would be minimal.

I will be updating on my planning process and don't have a date for when it starts yet; it should be relatively soon!

I want to make this incredibly organized so bear with me while I attempt to be that (maybe I should try to be organized for a month...).

Also, if you don't know what exactly New Age is or didn't know it was a personality/lifestyle then I suggest you click this nice little wiki link to find out.

I'll be posting more soon, and thanks for still caring about my blog after the long wait!

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