Friday, March 26, 2010

Girly Girl: The Aftermath

Hey guys, sorry for taking so long to put this up! I'm a full time student and Ihave a job too.

I decided it would be a good idea to take a break from this to avoid finals interfering with my personality type.

I've learned a lot about what to do next time.
  1. Have set goals to reach
  2. Have an organized strategy for how to reach those goals
  3. Do research on the subject I'll be
  4. Set up how everything is meant to be beforehand
  5. Make posts more organized and less lengthy
When it comes to being girly I think the best way to simply describe it is that its like junk food: its great to indulge at first but later on it makes you feel like crap

I think I learned a lot about letting go of my pretentiousness and liking things I genuinely like. For instance, I can unflinchingly say I enjoy watching Tool Academy, though I can also unflinchingly say I hate Fashion Police.

The last night of being girly, I had to stop myself from planning my next outfit in my head. It was great to dress like a normal person but when I went to school I could tell people looked at me differently. Someone even asked me if I was sick!

After a few weeks, it began feeling like a crime to leave all my nice girly clothes in the closet to lie stagnant. Slowly but surely I began to wear modified versions of outfits/makeup from my girly days. Instead of going all out with accessories, foundation, and skimpy jackets, I minimized it to a nice shirt there and a little blush here.

I do wear makeup more often than before, and I even carry around a little makeup bag in my purse (I need to give that back!) but I use it whenever I have time, and its usually just some blush, mascara, and eyeshadow.

When I stopped the girly routine I also started a major relapse into internet and gaming addiction. Right now I'm simultaneously writing this blog and playing Pokemon Diamond on DS. I realized that all this routine is something I despise, and my nature is incredibly lazy. If there was nothing to hold me back, I think I would be sitting here playing Pokemon Diamond or surfing the internet forever!

My nails have suffered the most by far in this whole experiment though. They are so brittle from the fake nails!I used to be able to grow them really far out until finally my constant picking at the cuticles would cause a chip. Now they break whenever they feel like it!

I'll be starting a new experiment sometime in April. I want to do so many things but I just can't decide which one is best! All I know is that it can't interfere with my relationship with Noah and it can't be too costly. I already have a gym and tanning membership and my mom buys and cooks organic/free range/vegan/fair trade food so those costs would be covered. I was thinking of being athletic but I feel like my experiments aren't really delving into anything deep. If anyone has any suggestions let me know!

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